
Thank you for visiting Enchant Decor, your premier destination for exquisite home decor products. Before proceeding with your purchase, please take a moment to review the following disclaimer:


  1. Imported Products: Enchant Decor takes pride in offering a curated selection of imported home decor items, including crystal paintings, decorative wall designs, DIY mosaic tiles, and DIY wall tiles. These products are sourced from reputable manufacturers globally to ensure the highest quality and authenticity.

  2. Latest Designs: We continuously strive to bring you the latest trends and designs in home decor. However, please note that availability may vary, and some designs may be limited edition or subject to seasonal availability.

  3. Lowest Rates, Highest Quality: At Enchant Decor, we are committed to providing our customers with the best value for their money. While we strive to offer competitive pricing, please be aware that prices may vary based on factors such as market conditions and supplier costs. Rest assured, we uphold stringent quality standards to ensure that each product meets our customers' expectations.

  4. On Delivery: We make every effort to ensure prompt and reliable delivery of your order. However, please note that delivery times may vary depending on factors such as shipping carrier schedules and destination location. We appreciate your patience and understanding in this regard.

  5. Special Rates on Bulk Orders: Enchant Decor offers special rates for bulk orders, making it convenient for businesses, interior designers, and homeowners to adorn their spaces with our exquisite decor products. For inquiries regarding bulk pricing and customization options, please contact our customer service team.


By proceeding with your purchase, you acknowledge and agree to the terms outlined in this disclaimer. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our products or policies, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Thank you for choosing Enchant Decor for your home decor needs.